Saturday, April 13, 2013


In a world like today's you have to be ready to change. You do not want to get caught like a deer in the headlights. Before you know it you will get hit by the oncoming car. OUCH!

This post is to see what happens with that dynamic layout I just chose.

just goofin

This is my Blogger blog. Who would not be excited to get started?

This is me.

Here's my gf.

It looks like I will be using the platform to learn html. Yippee!!
I started a account. It's here. It turns out is weak. So I did a lot of searching on the internet to determine what the best blogging platform is. My research led me to follow up on Blogger, SquareSpace, and Then I investigated some more. I did not necessarily want to take anyone's word for it, but all roads kept pointing to Wordpress.

I still want to be familiar with Blogger so here I am typing away, but I am going to learn the ways.

Thanks for your time.